Sunday, March 30, 2008

Beach pictures

Ft. Gaines, Dauphin Island AL

The boys had so much fun running and exploring here. It was amazing.

We're home

Just wanted to post a couple of my favorite pictures from our trip. We had such a great time!
The boys loved this fact, if you look close enought you can see three little boys in the tree - Grant, Ty and Cameron

Monday, March 24, 2008

Just found internet service...

We are having a great time here at Dauphin Island! We arrived Saturday afternoon and have been exploring the island ever since. The boys are having a great time! Ok, I just tried to upload photos with no success! Sorry.

We've been going on lots of bike rides - Eric pulls Drew in a buggy behind his bike. We've spent a lot of time walking the beaches. We attended early sunrise service at Ft. Gaines at 6:30 on Easter...It was quite cold! We found a couple dead jelly fish on the coast. We've also seen an alligator at one of the little lakes.

We went to the Estuarium this morning. Lots of neat pictures. It's pretty cool here today, so we are heading into Mobile to check things out there. Better run.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Driver is ready...

Spring Break 08

Here's the rv with mini van in tow before we left

for Dauphin Island, Alabama

Sunday, March 16, 2008

One of my all time favorite pictures of the boys.
I took this summer '07 down at the creek in our backyard.