This week in my anatomy and phisiology lab we disected sheep, I pocketed one to bring home for the boys to see. Drew was all into it and kept asking when we got to "defect" the brains.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sheep Brains
Posted by carrie at 2:36 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
Jelly Bellys...well, not quite
I bought a game for the boys while I was in Chicago. It's a Jelly Belly game and you spin to see which bean you eat - you either get a real Jelly Belly or a really nasty one. The boys talked me into trying it and on the third try I ate a rotten egg - and then I was done!
They had a good time and surprisingly continued to eat them!
Posted by carrie at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Drew and his craziness
Ty's favorite line for Drew is "you are so random". I love it! He always has us laughing! He begged for this skeleton at walmart, so I bought it as a decoration for the house. Drew had other ideas in mind...he named him "Chuck" and slept with him.
Drew came home from kind. the other day with this picture. He was excited to show me what he had alligator, eating a tree...oh yea - and he's pooping on tiny people. Nice!
Posted by carrie at 3:05 PM 1 comments
Neighbor's halloween party
Headed to the neighbor's for their annual party- Grant and Ty usually fill up their plates then go home - not many kids their age...Drew likes to hang out and spent some time this party on the swing creeping everyone out with his scary baby mask.
Posted by carrie at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Drew's first field trip as a kindergartener
Drew had his first field trip of the year...we went to an apple orchard. It was a beautiful day and there were lots of fun things to do. Drew and Mrs. Dolak
Posted by carrie at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Grant's 14!!
Trying to catch up on a bunch of old posts...September 13 my baby turned 14!! How did that happen?! Ty & Drew decorated a poster and blew up some balloons and Drew decorated the cake - The boys always want the chocolate cake with homemade icing (made out of crisco - real low fat!) on their bday. Happy Birthday Grant!!
Posted by carrie at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
ILS Spelling Bee
I did get a picture of Ty with his certificate...after the first pic he said he felt like he was posing for a mug shot and then turned for shot #2...seen below.
Posted by carrie at 2:30 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
Exchange Rotarians from Turkey
These pictures are from April, but I didn't have a card reader to put them on the internet...
Eric is in Rotary Club here in Wentzville & they were having an exchange program where some of the Rotary International members wanted to come to the US, so we decided being a host family would be a great opportunity for our family to learn more about Turkey. The girls, Funda Yuksel & Ozgecan Ozenc, were very sweet and we really enjoyed having them. At the winery when we all met.
Posted by carrie at 10:50 AM 0 comments
First day of school 09-10
I always forget the images upload in the reverse order, so there are 2 of the boys all together. Here are the boys on their first day of school. Grant's in 8th grade, Ty's in 7th and Drew's in all day Kindergarten! I love their school and am thrilled that they will all be in the same school this year!
Grant in his class
Posted by carrie at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 29, 2009
Family pictures
We had our family pictures taken a couple of days ago with my very talented friend, Laurie. I love them! Can't wait to have them up on my walls.
Posted by carrie at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I know it's been forever since I've posted...what can I say, things have been pretty crazy here. My first semester back to school was quite busy. I wanted to take a minute to post the report cards that Grant and Ty just pulled off the school website...what an amazing job!! The last quarter they both had over a 98%!! We are so proud of you both and all the hard work you put in this year!!!
Posted by carrie at 8:25 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Blizzard Ball
Eric and I attended the Blizzard Ball this past weekend. I was so excited that I only paid $12 for my dress! I did have to send the pictures to my friends to make sure the dress looked ok - I knew Eric was going to vote on that one regardless of what it looked like on me because of the price. Eric borrowed his tie from a neighbor so the event didn't end up costing us much at all! We left fairly early with some people from school who were at the event and played games over at our neighbors for a bit. Haven't been posting much...Life has gotten a bit crazy these days!
Posted by carrie at 7:14 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
The boys new glasses
Grant and Ty both got new glasses last week and I've been meaning to post a picture, but it's been a little crazy around here. I think Grant's finally gotten used to wearing glasses again - his vision isn't quite as bad as Ty's - Ty never takes his off. Hopefully Grant will hang on to this pair!
Posted by carrie at 8:59 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Da Bears
Eric is very into the Bears - he must watch every game and that can be a bit of an issue living in St. Louis. He watches them at home when we can get them, but if not, we head up to Buffalo Wild Wings and watch the game. It's a great game atmosphere and the boys really seem to enjoy it. We received lots of new Bears apparel for Christmas this year, so we were all able to support our team.
Posted by carrie at 10:02 AM 3 comments
Christmas at Grandpa Gary and Grandma Linda's house
On Christmas morning we headed to Eric's parents house and had Christmas with his parents, grandparents, sister and her family. The big, exciting gift for the boys was from Eric's parents - Guitar hero world tour. They loved it and have played it a lot!
Drew in his Darth Vader costume
Posted by carrie at 9:56 AM 0 comments