Monday, May 26, 2008

City Museum with Greders

The Greder family came to see us this weekend and Lisa and I took the kids to the City Museum (Eric and Jeff didn't seem too interested, so they went to Dave & Busters). We had a great time and the kids loved exploring the caves and tunnels and running around the skateboard park. After that, we went to a Vietnamese restaurant, Pho Grand, and tried several different dishes. We had a nice time and it was great to see Lucy again...the boys just adore her!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Please pray

Please take a moment to pray for my friends, Lora & Daryl. Their 11 year old son, Cole, passed away Thursday morning. He had flu like symptoms for a couple days and as they were getting him ready to go to the emergency room because he wasn't getting better, he passed away. The autopsy revealed that he had a twisted bowel and there was no way for them to know that. He also has a younger brother, Clay, who could use your prayers to get through this terrible tragedy. May God be with them all and give them comfort during this very difficult time.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Run for the Wall Veterans Ride

This morning when I dropped the boys off for school the students began gathering to walk to the street and watch the group of veterans who are riding their motorcyles in the "Run for the Wall" event. It began in 1989 and is a 10 day trip from L.A. to Washington D.C. to promote healing for all veterans, their families and their friends and to honor those who did not come home from a war. There will be over 350,000 bikes that meet up in Washington D.C. this weekend. It was very moving to see everyone all together, supporting one another. Thanks to all our veterans!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Renaissance Faire

Eric had a golf outing Saturday, so the boys and I went to the Renaissance Faire in Wentzville. I really wasn't expecting much, but it was quite a production. We went to a pirate show. Drew had his face painted like a pirate, Ty threw some throwing stars at a wooden wall and the boys did some time in jail. (That's an official pirate coin Drew is showing off in jail) We had a fun day.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sweet baby girl at Go Vap Orphanage

I was so drawn to this little girl. She reached out to me the most and I kept coming back to her crib. She kept raising her arms to me, I'd hold her for a minute and put her back down and she would cry when I'd try to walk away. If I was giving her any attention, she seemed content. I hope she find a home. I hope she's already referred to a loving, caring, Christian home. I don't even know her name. It didn't seem to matter at the time. I just wanted to love on her as much as I could.
When we walked into this room, I was video taping for Lisa and handed my camera to the man who was helping us out. I had asked him to take pictures not knowing that he was taking them of me. I'm glad I have them because it reminds me (not that I need it now, but maybe down the road) how intense that time in that room was for me. From the second I saw Lucy I began to sob. Not a little tear or two, but a complete, out of control sob. I just wanted each of them to feel a little love from someone that day, so I touched, hugged or held each baby that was in there. I will never forget those couple of minutes in my life and I'm so blessed that Lisa took me along on her journey to have this experience. Thank you, Lisa.

Spring Fine Arts Fling

Last night we attended a fine arts program at the school. Ty played a couple instruments and sang and Grant read a couple of poems (very reluctantly). We looked at some of their art work also. Drew was entertained by taking photos.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Traffic in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Vietnam

This video link above is of traffic in Ho Chi Minh

I had to post a bit on the traffic in Vietnam. It was unreal! You just walk out in front of traffic and keep an even pace. The first couple of times Lisa and I had to cross it took us forever! We got the hang of it pretty quick though.

The rules of the road seem to be 1)honk your horn a lot and 2)biggest vehicle has the right of way. Most people drove the scooters and they drove quite fast!

Casting Crown's Concert

Ok, hope this link works! This guy was amazing! This is the second time we've seen Casting Crowns in concert and they are very inspirational! We went with Teresa and her oldest boy, Cameron and Lisa and her oldest boy, Zach. It was Grant and Ty's first concert and I think they had a great time. Thanks Teresa!


Drew found this mask at Walmart and couldn't put it down! As soon as we got home he ran and put on batman pjs and my shoes (because they were black and shiny) and insisted on wearing a belt. He came downstairs and announced 'batman shirt, batman pants, batman shoes, batman belt, batman face!' Just incase you were wondering...the second picture is the mask upside down - he's such a goof - the peace sign was in full force today!!

A Fishing Trip

Eric, Ty and Drew made a couple of fishing poles and went down to the creek in our backyard to do a little fishing. They caught quite a few fish considering the size of the creek. Photos are by Drew!

Our weekend with Sassy

Sassy is the hamster that belongs to the science class at Grant and Ty's school and it was our weekend to care for her. The boys LOVED having her around. Drew asked every 5 minutes if we could 'get the rat out'. Sassy had an adventerous weekend...she hung out with Mr. Smith (who couldn't get enough of her), took a bath, drove a bus, and was toted around in a basket by Drew most of the weekend. The boys had lots of fun with her.